

Word formation examples in Hindi ( शब्द रचना )

Word formation definition:- The formation of words in a language by the processes of derivation and composition.

 Word formation examples in Hindi  ( शब्द रचना ) :- 

 ‘Word’ के Base form (आधार रूप) से नए शब्द का निर्माण करना Word Formation कहलाता है। निम्न लिखित प्रकार से Word formation किया जा सकता है।

 1. Through PREFIX
 2. Through SUFFIX

Word formation
World formation in hindi

1. Through PREFIX:-

Base word के पहले एक Syllable लगाकर नया word बनाया जा सकता है। Prefix एक syllable है जो मूल शब्द के पहले लगता है।

Word formation Example:-

 1. anti+freeze = antifreeze
 2. anti+social = antisocial
 3. un+aware = unaware
 4. sub+conscious = subconscious
 5. non+sense = nonsense
 6. fore+see = foresee
 7. under+age = underage
 8. under+water = underwater
 9. inter+lock = interlock
 10. pre+caution = precaution
मूल शब्द से पहले im, in, ir, il, re, em, en, de, un, dis, mis, pre, non, mini, semi, vice इत्यादि कुछ syllable लगाकर नये शब्द का निर्माण किया जा सकता है। इस तरह के बहुत से Prefix हैं, जिनसे नए शब्द का निर्माण होता है।

Word formation example :-

 1. im+ polite = impolite
 2. ir+regular = irregular
 3. em+power = empower
 4. in+discipline = indiscipline
 5. il+legal = illegal

2. Through SUFFIX:-
Base word के बाद एक syllable लगाकर भी नया शब्द बनाया जा सकता है। Suffix एक syllable है जो मूल शब्द के बाद लगता है।

Word formation example :-

 1. assist+ant = assistant
 2. refer+ee = referee
 3. teach+er = teacher
 4. spoon+ful = spoonful
 5. paint+ing = painting
 6. measure+ment = measurement
 7. happy+ness = happiness
 8. care+less = careless
 9. life+like = lifelike
 10. quick+ly = quickly
मूल शब्द के बाद में ed, ost, ing, en, ish, ful, ly, ship, ness, less इत्यादि लगाकर नए शब्द का निर्माण किया जा सकता है।

Word formation example

 1. Social+ist = socialist
 2. self+ish = selfish
 3. colour+ful = colourful
 4. grace+ful = graceful
 5. good+ness = goodness


Changing Noun into Adjective:-
 1. Angle = Angular
 2. Ancestor = Ancestral
 3. Authority = Authoritative
 4. Advice = Advisable
 5. Brother = Fraternal
 6. Blue = Bluish

Changing Noun into Verb:-
 1. Authority = Authorize
 2. Hard = Harden
 3. Harmony = Harmonize
 4. Apology = Apologize
 5. Body = Embody
 6. Circle = Encircle

Changing Noun into Abstract Noun:-
 1. Beggar = Beggary
 2. Coin = Coinage
 3. Coward = Cowardice
 4. Cunning = Cunningness
 5. Elector = Electorate
 6. Hero = Heroism

Changing Adjective into Verb:-
 1. Abundant = Abound
 2. Bitter = Embitter
 3. Brief = Abbreviate
 4. Brutal = Brutalize
 5. Clear = Clarify
 6. Fertile = Fertilize

Changing Noun into Noun:-
 1. Adequate = Adequacy
 2. Bankrupt = Bankrupety
 3. Chaste = Chastity
 4. Civil = Civility
 5. Compulsory = compulsion
 6. Grand = Grandeur

Changing Verb into Noun:-
 1. Acquit = Acquittal
 2. Betray = Betrayal
 3. Deceive = Deception
 4. Conceive = Conception
 5. Commit = Committal
 6. Precise = Precision

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