

Teaching method of english for reet

 Teaching method of english for reet

Teaching method of english for reet
Teaching method of english for reet

Teaching of English For Reet

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
(Communicative Approach) :

-   Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of languages. It is also known as “Communicative Approach”. It emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. Language is used for communication. For this reason, CLT makes use of communication to teach languages. Whereas traditional language teaching places a lot of emphasis on grammar rules, CLT makes use of real-life situations. In CLT, students practice real-life situations, for example, buying food at the market or asking someone for directions.
-   The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life unlike the audio-lingual method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills. Communicative approach is much more pupil-oriented, because it is dictated by pupils' needs and interests.

Communication Process :

-   Communication is a process and as such contains the following main elements
-   A message : what needs to be communicated
-   Sender/Encoder : the person who has something to communicate
-   Channel : the means of communication
-   A receiver/Decoder : the person who will receive the message
-   This process works as follows : The messenger has something to communicate, a message. The messenger will encode his message with words, behaviour etc. The message will go through a channel, a means of communication such as face to face, letter, presentation. The receiver will then decode the message using his language skills.







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Basic Features of CLT :

-   It emphasizes on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.
-   An attempt is made to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.
-   Communicative approach is much more pupil-orientated, because it is dictated by pupils' needs and interests.

Basic Principles of Language Teaching:

Principle of Naturalness:
-  Language is learnt in a natural way. Language teaching should start orally. Student should be encouraged to listen attentively.
-  Teacher should concentrate on developing speech habit.
-  Correct pronunciation should be taught.
-  General vocabulary should be taught
-  Grammar should be taught inductively.
-  After speech habit, writing skills should be developed.

Principle of Practice & Habit formation:
-   The practice in four skills- listening, speaking, reading & writing is essential. Practice develops mastery of language. It includes the following-
-  Listening carefully to the sounds of English
-  Speaking  reading with correct pronunciation & intonation
-  Speaking in normal speed
-  Use correct spellings
-  Reading newspapers, magazines etc.
-  To consult dictionary, thesaurus etc.

Principle Of Imitation :
A language is learnt through imitation. Teacher's pronunciation, grammar etc should be correct.

Principal Of Motivation & Interest :
-   Students should be motivated to learn language. Their interest should be developed.

Principle Of Speaking :
-   Students should be encouraged to use the language orally. They should be motivated to talk.

Principle Of Accuracy & Correctness :
-   Followed by the teacher himself. He should be accurate in his pronunciation, stress, intonation, spellings etc.

Principle Of Selection & Gradation :
-   Principle of selection &gradation should be followed. It enables teacher to follow the maxims of teaching such as proceed from “known to unknown”, “simple to complex” etc. The following points should be kept in mind while following the principle of selection.

-   Frequency : Those words which are frequently used by the students should be taught like student, desk, book etc.
-   Range : Range means the number of situations in which the words can be used.
-   Teachability : Words which can be easily taught should be used.
-   Coverage : Words which represent a group should be taught. For example the word 'animal' includes cow, goat, and lion. The word 'vegetable' includes onions, potatoes etc.
-   Availability : Words which can be conveniently taught & the objects easily available should be taught first.

Principle Of Grouping :
-   After words & structures are selected they should be grouped or arranged in order or from simple to complex. Words & structures can be grouped on the basis of sound, meaning & structures. Thus, the grouping can be Phonetic grouping, Semantic grouping & grammatical grouping.

Challenges of Teaching English : Language Difficulties

1. Controversy regarding the place of English
-   Until 1947, English language had continued to occupy an important place in the administrative and educational spheres of the country for about 200 years; but after the attainment of independence, study of English has become a controversial issue both for political and educational thinkers. Broadly speaking, there are three views regarding the place of English. One view is to abolish the teaching of English altogether. Another view is to continue it as a permanent associate official language of the country and teach it as a compulsory second language both in Hindi and non-Hindi regions at the school level. The third view is in favour of retaining it as an optional subject and teach it as a third language in the school curricula. Unfortunately this sort of controversy is the result of emotional outpour­ings. All these controversies have created problems in effective teaching of English as a second language in our schools.

2.  Overcrowded classes
-   The population explosion in our country has resulted in an ever-in­creasing rush in schools and colleges. Over-crowded classes have made it difficult to pay proper attention to realizing the language-teaching objec­tives. Learning a language is a skill that requires individual attention, which unfortunately, cannot be given in over-crowded classes.

3.  Sub-standard text-books
-   Another problem in the way of effective teaching of English is related to the text-books. The text-books prescribed for different classes in our schools are of poor standard.
Spelling misprints, poorest quality of paper and meaningless and un­attractive illustrations are some other drawbacks of most of the text-books. No wonder if it has a negative bearing on the effective teaching of English.

4.  Ineffective teachers
-   The foundation of English language is laid by those teachers who are not fully competent to teach it. Sometimes non-English hands are given to teach English simply because the post of an English teacher has not been filled up in some schools. A good percentage of English teachers consists of those who have passed their Bachelor's degree examinations as private candidates with English as an optional subject. A person whose own foun­dation of the language is poorly bricked with, cannot be expected to do justice with the teaching of English, because fundamentals of English lan­guage are not clear to him.

5.  Defective Teacher-Education System
-   In Colleges of Education, language teachers are not imparted thorough knowledge of the 'subject. The content side is generally neglected. The result is that student teachers lack proper training in the use of language

6.  Lack of suitable language-teaching aids
-   Most of our schools are starved of funds. They are not in a financial position to equip the schools' laboratories with costly teaching aids. Tape-recorders, cassettes of language teaching, linguaphones are useful audio aids that can be used for effective teaching of English language, but due to shortage of funds, a majority of schools finds it difficult to purchase them. Schools which have these facilities do not bother to make proper utilisation due to lethargic attitude of teachers.

7.  Ineffective methods of teaching
-   Language skills can be acquired only through practice. We see that a child learns his mother-tongue without being conscious of it. But English is taught as a second language and therefore natural situations of learning a foreign language are not available to him in the class.

8.  No timely checking of home-work
-   The home assignment given by the teachers is seldom checked timely. Checking and evaluation of learning must go simultaneously with teaching otherwise the teaching will not be effective. Unfortunately, pupil's errors are least detected and corrected by the teachers. They simply tick mark the answers and put their signatures as a token of having checked the work as a matter of routine.

Methods of Evaluation

1. Introduction
-  Education is a tripolar process which consists of the educational objectives, learning experiences and evaluation. Thus, evaluation is an important aspect of the teaching-learning process. It helps to ascertain whether there has been a change in behaviour of the students as a result of teaching.
-  The concept of evaluation was introduced by B. S. Bloom. It is a much boarder term than 'test' or 'examination'. It is concerned not only with the assessment of the students but with the whole process of education. Evaluation has been defined by various educationalists.
-  According to J. W Wrightstone, "Evaluation is a new technical term introduced to design a more comprehensive concept of measurement."
-  Good defined it as, "a process of ascertaining or judging the value or amount of something by careful appraisal."
-  According to N.C.E.R.T., "Evaluation is a continuous process. It forms an integral part of the total system f education and is intimately related to educational objectives."
-  Thus, evaluation is a continuous process. It goes on constantly during lessons and units and is clearly related to the teacher's goal and points of view of English teaching. It is concerned with finding out how far students have learned as a consequence of teaching. It is of two types :
(a)  Criterion-Referenced Evaluation : It assesses the students' performance standard or criterion without any mention of the performance levels of the other students of the group.
(b)  Non-Referenced Evaluation : It assesses the students' performance relative to other students of the group. Students are awarded marks and ranks.

2. Difference between Test, Examination and Evaluation
-  Often there is confusion between the terms test, examination and evaluation. Therefore, it is essential to define each of them separately.
-  A 'test' aims to enquire whether the material taught is still in the memory of the pupils or not. Thus, it lays more emphasis on memory and remembrance. Tests are given weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
-  An examination aims at realizing 'a required standard of attainment.'
-  According to Hanna, "Evaluation is the process of gathering and interpreting evidence on changes in the behaviour of all students as they progress through school." Thus, evaluation means to judge the achievement of the student. The measurement is generally done through test and examination.

3.  Purpose and Functions of Evaluation
-  The main purpose and function of evaluation are as follows :
1. Diagnosis : It helps to locate and identify the weakness (lapses) in learning on the part of a learner. It helps in producing suitable remedial courses for a given group of learners. The test given at the beginning of a bridge-course is meant to serve this purpose.
2. Prediction : It helps to discover potential abilities and aptitudes among the examinees which eventually can be developed into expertise in a given field or career. The National Talent Search Test is designed to meet this purpose.
3. Selection : It helps to select suitable persons for a course or career. The entrance tests to different courses are devised with this purpose.
4. Grading : It helps to rank order to the learners of a given group. Usually, the terminal examinations of a course serve this purpose.
5. Guidance : It assists a person in making decision about courses and careers. This purpose of guidance is served when evaluation enables a learner to know his pace of learning, lapses in this learning, etc. The self-assessment exercises in distance-education materials are meant to serve this purpose.

4.  Importance of Evaluation
-   Evaluation is important due to the following reasons-
(i)   It enables the teacher to know whether the students have learnt what has been taught to them.
(ii)  It enables the teacher to evaluate the acquisition (achievement) of students with regard to skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
(iii)  It enables the teacher to pass a judgment whether teaching was successful or not.
(iv)  It enables the teacher to judge whether the methodology used and the design of instruction adopted by him was successful or not.
(v)  It becomes the basis of constant monitoring of language teaching programme as developed and implemented in various stages for the target group of learners.

5.  Steps in Evaluation
-  The various steps involved in evaluation are-
1. To determine the educational objectives.
2. To organize the learning experiences so that there is a change in the behaviour of the students.
3. To measure the behavioral changes.
4. To test if the behavioral changes were according to the objectives.

6. Tools for Evaluation
-  Different tools used for the purpose of evaluation are as given below :
(i) Achievement tests
(ii) Intelligence tests
(iii) Personality tests
(iv) Aptitude tests
(v) Questionnaire
(vi) Observation
(vii) Rating Scale
(viii) Interview
(ix) Checklist
(x) Socio-metric test
(xi) Cumulative records

Remedial Teaching in English
(Meaning, Methods and Remedial Programmes)

-   Generally English teaching is organized to facilitate average students. The individual variation of the students is taken into consideration. Thus, the extreme cases — bright students and poor students are ignored in the normal teaching of English. The achievement tests are commonly used for assessing the students performance which is used as the basis for classification-first, second, third and failed. These attainment tests do not reveal the causes of the weakness of poor learners. Therefore, remedial teaching can not be provided to the poor students. A class of students can be classified into three categories — (1) Bright students (2) Average students and (3) Poor students.

(1) There should be a different teaching instructional procedure for the average students. The repetition in teaching usually is not required for bright students.
(2) All the average students can not follow the instructional procedure used in classroom teaching. Their diagnosis should be done to locate the learning difficulties and weakness and remedial teaching should be planned and organised.
(3) There should be a different instructional procedure of teaching than the earlier two categories of students. The repetition in teaching is very useful for such students. They need diagnosis and remediation in English teaching at both the levels — teaching English as first language and teaching English as second language.
-   This chapter provides the awareness about diagnostic test in English and planning for remedial English teaching.

Need for Diagnosis in English Teaching

-   In our schools, achievement tests are administered to assess their performance. On the basis of their performance students are classified into two categories - pass and fail. The divisions are also assigned to the passed students and promoted to next class. But nothing can be done about those who have failed in the examination. The causes of their failure must be identified for their improve­ment. The attainment test can not reveal the causes of their learning problems. It is the diagnostic test in English that identifies the causes of their learning difficulties. The remediation can be provided for their learning weakness.
-   Thus, there are two functions of Educational measurement. Prognosis and diagnosis and both are complementary to each other.

Diagnostic Test :
-   A diagnostic test is one kind of educational test. The educational tests have two functions or purposes.
(1) Prognostic purpose - Attainment tests.
(2) Diagnostic purpose - Diagnostic Tests
-   The prognosis means to measure the extent and level of learning outcomes or attainments of the students in a specific subject which has been taught to them. The diagnosis means to identify the causes of weakness and the poor attainment of the students. The prognostic and diagnostic func­tions are complementary to each other and both are essential in educational measurement and evaluation.
-   Diagnostic tests are those which help us to known the particular strength and weakness of the student. These tests are also known as analytical tests. The correct answer provides his strength and wrong answer indicates his weakness in the content of the individual. The achievement tests provide the over all scores on the basis of correct answers of the subject items. The wrong answers are assigned zero marks. These attainment tests do not provide reason for the poor scores of an individual.

Functions of Remedial Teaching:

-   The functions of classroom teaching and remedial teaching are one and the same to realize the English teaching objectives.
In the above paragraphs the following functions of remedial teaching have been indicated.
(1)  To assist the poor students to pace with his classroom teaching.
(2)  To solve the learning difficulties of the poor students.
(3)  To improve and modify teacher’s instructional procedure in view of wide coverage of learners variation.
(4)  To avoid the wastage in Education process.
(5)  To raise the standard of English teaching.
(6)  To evolve the effective strategy of English teaching.

Strategies and Devices for Remedial Teaching

-   Some scientific and psychological strategies have been developed for remedial teaching.
1.  Programmed test, i.e., Branding material.
2.  Tutorial Device of Remedial Teaching.
3.  Supervised study. Process of assimilation.
4.  Action-Research. Solving classroom problem.
5.  Language laboratory.

Procedure for Remedial Teaching

-   Some procedure of teaching is usually followed but L K. Device has suggested four steps — Planning, organizing leading and evaluating. The remedial teaching is followed after actual classroom teaching. Thus remedial teaching involves four steps.
First Step :
-  First step is to identify poor students in English subject by using achievement tests, school marks, personal observation of teacher and interview technique.

Second Step :
-  At the second step a diagnostic test in English related to specific area, pronunciation, spellings, reading, grammar, and comprehension, etc., is administered to locate the learning difficulties and its pauses.

Third Step :
-  In this step remedial instructions are to be prepared for remedial teaching.

Fourth Step :
-  An appropriate, strategy is used for remedial teaching. After teaching, a test is administered to ascertain, how far learning difficulties are removed. It may suggest about re-teaching or further remediation

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