Teaching of English Methods and Approaches - reet notes
General Principles of Teaching
General Principles of Teaching
- A foreign language
1. Principle of Naturalness
2. Principle of Habit Formation
3. Principle of exposure
4. Principle of Motivation
5. Principle of Phonology or Aural oral Approach.
6. Principle of Co-Relation with life.
7. Thy Principle of order and Proportion.
8. Principle of learning by doing.
9. Principle of using Mother Tongue.
10. Principle of concreteness.
11. The Principle of accuracy and correctness.
12. Principle of Drill.
13. Principle of imitation.
14. Principle of interest.
15. Principle of proportion.
Teaching Methods
1. Pedagogy (शिक्षक शास्त्र)
2. Method (विधि)
3. Approach (उपागम)
4. Methodology (कार्यविधि/शिक्षण विधि)
Various Methods (विà¤िन्न शिक्षण विधियाँ)
Teaching methods are of two types
(A) Old Methods (Classical methods)
(i) Grammar Translation Method
(ii) Direct Method
(B) New Methods (Modern Methods)
(i) Substitution Table Method
(ii) Audio-Lingual Method
(iii) Bilingual Method
(iv) Dr West's Method
Word formation examples in Hindi
Grammar Translation Method:-
This is perhaps the oldest method of teaching a foreign language. Its leadings exponents are Johan Seiden Sticker, Karl plotz, H.S. ollen and Johan medingor.
The advocates of this method believe that a foreign language can be taught easily through translation and cramming the rules of grammar.
Characteristics of this Method
1. Much vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated words.
2. The ‘Text book’ occupies an important place in this method.
3. Grammar is taught deductively i.e. rules first and language afterwards.
General to particular, theory to practical. Rules of grammar are taught with the help of a separate book of grammar.
4. Translation from mother tongue into English and Vice- Versa is given to students for practice.
5. In this method the language most used is the mother tongue i.e. emphasis is given to the mother tongue.
Merits of Grammar Translation method:-
1. Rules of English Grammar can easily be taught with the help of the grammar of the native language.
2. This method is useful in differentiating between the structures of foreign and native languages by way of comparison and contrast.
3. This method saves a lot of time and energy of the teacher in teaching a foreign language.
Dermits of Grammar-Transalation Method:-
1. This method does nothing to enhance a student's communicative ability in the foreign language.
2. It does not provide equal consideration to all four language skills.
3. It pays little attention to pronunciation.
4. The teaching of the rules of grammar first and the language afterward is psychologically unsound.
5. It lays to too much stress on the written aspect of language so that skills of listening and speaking are relegated to the background.
6. It puts a tremendous strain on student's memory.
7. It provides practically no chance for drill in the aural-oral skills.
Direct Method :-
This method is based on the principle that a language can be learnt only by using it in the classroom. In this method speech is primary and grammar is secondary. This method became popular in the later part of the 19th century. It was advocated by Michael West who was the Principal of the Teachers Training College, Dacca (Bangla Desh).
Characteristics (Common features) of Direct Method
1. This method lays emphasis on oral approach and this helps to promote fluency of speech so that pupils begin to think in English directly. That is in this method the emphasis is on oral language oral aspect of teaching.
2. The learner gets a lot of exposure to the target language. Students converse with one another in the target language i.e. There is exclusive use of the target language.
3. This method enhances the student's capacity to hear accurately, to understand swiftly to recall immediately and to speak promptly i.e. this method given intensive speech practice.
4. This method generates self-confidence among students and teaches direct use of English in meaningful situations.
5. It provides ample scope to learn aural-oral skills. It gives importance to pronunciation.
Demerits of Direct Method:-
1. This method emphasizes oral aspect of language learning with the result that reading and writing aspects remain underdeveloped, that is intensive reading practice is not given.
2. This method does not put emphasis on mother tongue, grammar and translation.
3. Reading and Writing aspect of language is completely neglected.
4. This method does not suit the purpose of students in higher classes.
Main Point:-
1. The learner is over-exposed to the complexities of the target language shortcoming.
2. Importance is given to pronunciation.
3. Sentence is the unit of teaching.
4. There is minimum use of the mother tongue.
5. Training is given in all kinds of sentences-Negative, Affirmative, interrogative etc.
6. Lays stress on the need of limited vocabulary taught in definite stages.
New Methods of Teaching English:-
1. The substitution Method:-
This method is adopted by H.F. Palmer.
It is also known as substitution table method.
Process of this method:-
First of all a model sentence is selected. This method contains a word that we want to teach. The sentence should be grammatically correct.
1. Simple Substitution Table:-
In this table variables are not interchanged
For Example:-
Audio Lingual Method:-
The Audio-Lingual Method
The audio-lingual method is also called the Army method or New Method. It is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages.
2. Compound Substitution Table
In the table variables are changed.
For Example:-
- It is based on a model sentence.
- In this method a teacher can teach and the students can frame many sentences on the basis of the model sentence.
- It is a very interesting method.
- It develops creating thinking in the students.
- It is useful for teaching new words.
- Complete grammar cannot be taught.
- This method cannot be used to teach poetry and prose.
- It lays emphasis on written work only.
Audio Lingual Method
The Audio-Lingual Method
The audio-lingual method is also called the Army Method or New Key Method. It is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages.
1. In the ALM the teaching drills the students in the use of grammar.
2. The Audio lingual method didn't focus on teaching vocabulary.
3. The teacher presents the correct model of a sentence and the students would repeat it.
4. In ALM there is no explicit grammar instruction - everything is memorized in form i.e. focus is on form and not on grammar.
5. The target language is used as the medium of instruction and the use of the native language is discouraged.
1. It is helpful in successful conversation.
2. It gives more stress on ear training.
3. It is based on many listening activities.
4. Teachers use many techniques for listening activities.
5. It is a teacher centered approach.
1. Suitable teachers for this approach are not available.
2. It ignores reading and writing skills.
3. It requires plenty of practice.
4. It suits lower classes.
5. In higher classes the students dislike repetition.
6. It is time consuming.
Characteristics of Audio-Lingual Method
1. The Audio Lingual Method is based on memorization of dialogues.
2. The approach demands memorization of structure based dialogues.
3. In this approach language items are not contextualized.
4. In this method the desired goal is linguistic competence.
5. The ALM focuses on structure and form more than meaning and grammar.
Main Point to Remember:-
1. Mastery of structure is sought.
2. The use of learner's native language is forbidden.
3. Native speaker like pronunciation is sought.
4. Reading and writing are defaced till speech is mastered.
5. Grammatical explanation is avoided.
6. It is a teacher centered approach.
Bilingual Method
This method was invented by Prof. C.J. Dodson of Wales. It is a midway approach between the grammar translation method and the direct method.
Chief characteristics:-
1. Mother tongue equivalents of English words are told to the class.
2. Word for word translation is not done by the teacher Translation is used only when the meaning of a particular word is difficult to explain through direct method. English passages are explained in English and not in the student's mother tongue.
3. Rules of grammar are not taught separately as is done in grammar translation method.
Critical Review:-