Linking Devices - reet
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Linking Devices
Linking Devices for reet
1. Not only...but also का Pair बनता है।
- Not only the master but also the serants were blamed.
- I like not only Somya but also Surabhi.
- Not only the captain but also the players were delighted.
- Not only coal but also gold is mined in this country.
2. Either....or
- Either the boy or his parents hae come.
- Either leela or I am going.
- Either you or Mohan has done it.
- Either he or I in the office am worried.
3. Neither....nor
- Neither he nor his wife is good.
- Neither he nor his wife is guilty.
- Neither Anil nor Aakash has came here.
- Neither student nor teacher is present.
- Neither this nor that.
4. Although के साथ yet Conjuction का pair बनता है। लेकिन Error में दिया जाता है। Although के साथ 'But', 'or', 'else', 'and'.
- Although he is rich yet he is dishonest.
- Although he is poor yet he is honest.
- Although she is beautiful yet she is obstinate.
5. Though के साथ yet का pair बनता है।
- Though he is poor yet he is honest.
- Though she is beautiful yet she is obstinate.
- Though he is rich yet he is dishonest.
6. 'Both' के साथ 'And' conjunction का pair बनता है।
- Both Ram and Shyam may come today.
- Both Geeta and Sita are good girls.
- Both Ramesh and Suresh are good friends.
- Both teacher and principal are absent today.
7. So...As का प्रयोग Positie Degree में दो व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं की तुलना के लिए किया जाता है।
So...As का प्रयोग Negatie वाक्य में होता है।
- Ram is not so good as you.
- Ram is not so cleer as you.
- Ram is not so tall as you.
- Ram is not so greedy as you.
8. As...As का प्रयोग Affirmatie तथा Negatie दोनों ही प्रकार के वाक्यों में किया जाता है।
- Ram is as good as you. [Positie]
- Ram is not as good as you. [Negatie]
- Ram is as cleer as you. [Positie]
- Ram is not as cleer as you. [Negatie]
- Ram is as tall as you.
- Ram is not as tall as you.
9. 'Lest...Should' का pair बनता है ना कि 'would' का और Lest...should के साथ Not का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। Lest...should का मतलब Negatie ही होता है।
- Workhard lest you should fail.
- He has to hurry lest he should late.
- Run with care lest you shold fall.
10. Do/Does/Did + 'But' conjunction का use किया जाता है। [Do/Does/Did + Nothing + But]
- She does nothing but watch T. eerytime.
- They do nothing but eat chocolate.
- I did nothing but sleep anytime.
11. Hardly/Barely/Scarcely + when/Before. का pair बनता है ना कि 'that' का।
- Hardly/Barely/Scarcely I enter the shopping mall when/before the bomb went off.
- Hardly/Scarcely/Barely had he gone out of the office when/before bell rang.
12. Whether के बाद हमेशा 'or' आता है।
[Error = 'that']
- I don't know whether he will come or not.
- I don't know whether she is there or not.
- I don't know whether they are right or wrong.
13. Seldom if Eer [शायद ही कभी-कभी] का pair बनता है।
[Error = Seldom or eer] [Error = Seldom if neer]
- Seldom if eer hae I hurt you. [True]
- Seldom if eer hae I met you. [True]
- Seldom or eer hae I met you. [False]
- Seldom if neer hae I hurt you. [False]
14. Seldom or neer का एक साथ प्रयोग होता है।
[Error = Seldom if neer] [Error = Seldom or eer]
- Seldom or neer hae I hurt you. [True]
- Seldom or neer hae I met you. [True]
- Seldom if neer hae I hurt you. [False]
- Seldom or eer hae I met you. [False]
15. Rather...than का pair बनता है।
Rather...than [के बदले, के बजाय]
- I would rather hae the bat not the ball. [False]
- I would rather hae the bat than the ball. [True]
- I would rather hae the ball pen not the ink. [False]
- I would rather hae the ball pen than the ink. [True]
16. Other......than का प्रयोग किया जाता है ना कि Other के साथ 'but' का।
- I hae no other object but to get a job. [False]
- I hae no other object than to get a job. [True]
- I hae no other option but to score a century. [False]
- I hae no other option than to score a century. [True]
17. Relatie Pronoun के साथ या पहले conjunctions का use नहीं होता।
- He is a good boy and who is my friend. [False]
- He is a good boy who is my friend. [True]
- The lady that who is in Pink Saree is my mother. [False]
- The lady who is in Pink Saree is my mother. [True]
18. Because/Since अगर वाक्य के Starting में आ रहे है तो इनका अर्थ - क्यूंकि होता है और इनके बाद में कोई भी conjunction नहीं लगता।
[Error = Therefore, So, Thus]
- Because/Since/As he came late, he failed to see me. [True]
- Because/Since/As he wokeup late, he failed to catch the train. [Train]
- Because/Since/As he wokeup late therefore/so he failed to catch the train.
19. Such...that का pair बनता है तब [Sense = Positie] होगा।
Such के बाद Noun आएगा।
- She is such a girl that she can do eerything. [True]
- He is such a boy that he can complete any task. [True]
- Hardly...when/before तथा scarcely...when/before का प्रयोग ‘मुश्किल से/कठिनता से....कि’ के अर्थ में होता है। hardly/scarcely के बाद tjem/than/that का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे -
- Scarce;u/Hardly had he reached the school when/before it began to rain. [True]
मुश्किल से वह स्कूल पहुँचा ही था कि वर्षा होने लगी।
- She had hardly/scarcely recoered from feer when/before she was attacked with cold.
कठिनता से बुखार से छुटकारा पायी थी कि जुकाम (ठंढ़) से आक्रांत हो गई।
- Scarcely/Hardly had he reached the school then/than/that it began to rain. [False]
- She had hardly/scarcely recoered from feer then/than/that she was attacked with cold. [False]
- का प्रयोग ‘इतना....जितना’ अथवा ‘उतना.....जितना’ के अर्थ में Affirmatie और Negatie sentence में होता है। जैसे-
- Bhana is as beautiful as he says. [Affirmatie]
- Swets is not as intelligent as Prabha. [Negatie]
- का प्रयोग ‘इतना....जितना’ अथवा ‘उतना....जितना’ के अर्थ में Negatie semtence में होता है। जैसे-
- Priyadarshani is not so dull as the teacher expected. [Negatie]
- का प्रयोग सामान्यतः ‘जैसा....वैसा’ के अर्थ में होता है। जैसे-
- As you do, so you get.
जैसा तुम करते हो, वैसा तुम पाते हो।
- Between के बाद हमेशा 'and' (conjunction) का प्रयोग होता है, 'to' preposition का नहीं। जैसे -
- Contact us between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. [True]
- Contact us between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. [False]
- There is enmity between Munna and Daya. [True]
- There is enmity between Munna and Days. [False]
Word formation examples in Hindi
- Not...but का प्रयोग सामान्यतः ‘बल्कि’ के अर्थ में होता है। जैसे-
- He does not like Priti but Nilu.
- Not Mr. Prasas but Mr. Mishra can sole this sum.
- Not तथा neer के बाद or का प्रयोग होता है, Nor का नहीं। Not तथा neer negatie meaning रखता है, इसलिए nor का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए। जैसे-
- He did not phone or write to his father. [True]
- He did not phone nor write to his father. [False]
- As if तथा As though का प्रयोग ‘मानो’ के अर्थ में Present Tense में होता है। जैसे-
- She looks as if/as though she is a heroine.
वह अभिनेत्री है अनुमानतः सत्य है।
As if तथा as though का प्रयोग असंभव चीजों को explain (वर्णन) करने के लिए Simple Past Tense में Present के अर्थ में होता है।
- Een if का प्रयोग conjunction के रूप में ‘चाहे’ के अर्थ में होता है। जैसे-
- I will not cheat the students een if I am hanged.
- Doubt के बाद affirmatie sentence में if/whether का प्रयोग होता है, जबकि negatie or Interrogatie sentence में doubt के बाद that का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे -
- He doubts that Manisha will marry him. [Affirmatie] [True]
- He doubt that Manisha will marry him. [False]
- I hae not any doubt htat the publisher will cheat me. [Negatie] [True]
- I hae not any doubt if/whether the publisher will cheat me. [False]
Note : Doubtful के बाद भी Affirmatie sentence में if/whether का प्रयोग होता है, जबकि Negatie or Interrogatie sentence में doubtfull के बाद that का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे- Linking Devices for reet
- I am doubtfull if/whether my teacher will allow me to go to the circus. [Affirmatie] [True]
- I am doubtful that my teaxher will allow me to go to the circus. [False]
- He is not doubtful that his brother will finish his home work.[Negatie] [True]
- He is not doubtful if/whether his brother will finish his home work.[False]
- यदि the reason का प्रयोग किसी sentence में हो, तो इसके बाद that का प्रयोग होता है। Due to, because, because of तथा on account of का नहीं। जैसे-
- This is the reason that he is not apperaring at the examination. [True]
- This is the reason due to he is not appearing at the examination. [False]
- This is the reason because he is not appearing at the examination. [False]
- This is the reason because of he is not appearing at the examination. [False]
- This is the reason on account of he is not appearing at the examination.[False]
Note: The reason why के बाद भी that का प्रयोग होता है। Due to, because, because of तथा on account of का नहीं। जैसे-
- The reason why I don't loe her is that she has betrayed my friend.[True]
- The reason why I don't loe her is because/because of she has betrayed my friend.[False]
- The reason why I don't loe her is due to/on account of she has betrayed my friend. [False]
Use of 'Unless': Unless का प्रयोग conjunction के रूप में ‘अगर नहीं/यदि नहीं’ (if not) के अर्थ में होता है, यह negatie meaning रखता है तथा condition (शर्तें) को अभिव्यक्त करता है। अतः इसके साथ not का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे-
- You should not waste your time unless you are timid. [True]
अगर तुम कायर नहीं हो, तो तुम्हें समय बर्बाद नहीं करना चाहिए।
- They cannot apply unless they are postgraduate. [True]
अगर वे लोग स्नात्तकोत्तर नहीं है, तो वे लोग दरखास्त नहीं दे सकते।
- You should not waste your time unless you are not timid. [False]
- They cannot apply unless they are not postgraduate. [True]
Note: Until तथा unless में फर्क यह है कि until समय सूचक है तथा unles शर्त सूचक है। until तथा unless दोनों के साथ प्रयुक्त clause में not का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। क्योंकि ये खुद negatie meaning रखते हैं।
Use of 'When' and 'While'
When का प्रयोग conjunction के रूप में किसी action (कार्य) के समाप्त होने के फलस्वरूप दूसरा action (कार्य) हो, तो होता है। While का नहीं। जैसे-
- The students stood up when the teacher came. [True]
- The students stood up while the teacher came. [False]
- When I reached the station, the train started. [True]
- While I reached the station, the train started. [False]
जबकि while का प्रयोग conjunction के रूप में एक ही समय में दो कार्य के साथ-साथ होने का बोध कराने के लिए होता है, when का नहीं। जैसे-
- While I was watching T.., my mother was cooking. [True]
- When I was watching T.., my mother was cooking. [False]
- While I was in Patna, my beloed was in Darbhanga. [True]
- When I was in Patna, my beloed was in Darbhanga. [False]
When तथा While के प्रयोग मे फर्क:
Use of When | Use of While
1. When कि प्रयोग Age (उम्र) or life की अवधि बताने के लिए होता है। जैसे- When I was a child, I lied in my illage.[True] |
While/As I was a child, I lied in my Village.[False] |
2. It+was+Time expressing words के बाद प्रयुक्त clause के पहले when का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे- It was half past ten when I returned. [True] | It+was+Time expressing words के बाद प्रयुक्त clause के पहले while का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे- It was half past ten while I returned. [False]
3. When का प्रयोग ‘जबतक’ (as long as) के अर्थ में नहीं होता है। जैसे- When there is life, there is hope. [False] | 3. जबकि while का प्रयोग ‘जबतक’ (as long as) के अर्थ में होता है। जैसे- While there is life, there is hope. [True]
4. When का प्रयोग preposition के बाद होता है। जैसे- There are detailed rules of when you can and you can't appeal. [True] | 4. While का प्रयोग preposition के बाद नहीं होता है जैसे- There are detailed rules of while you can and you can't appeal. [False] |
- No sooner.....than का प्रयोग ‘ज्योंही.....त्योंही’ के अर्थ में होता है। No sooner के बाद हमेशा Than का प्रायेग होता है। No Sooner के बाद when/then/but/that का प्रयोग नहीं होता हैं। जैसे -
- No sooner had I reached the station the station than the train departed. [True]
ज्योंही मैं स्टेशन पहुँचा त्योंही गाड़ी प्रस्थान कर गई।
- No sooner had I reached the station but/then/when/ that the train departed. [False]
- No sooner does he arrie than he begins to work. [True]
ज्योंही वह पहुँचता हैं, त्योंही काम करना प्रारंभ कर देता है।
- No sooner does he arrie but/then/when/that he begins to work.
- No sooner had I reached the station than the train steamed off.
ज्योंही मैं स्टेशन पर पहुँचा त्योंही गाड़ी चल दी।
- No sooner did the bell ring than the boys ran out of their classes.
ज्योंही घंटी बजी त्योंही लड़के अपनी कक्षाओं से बाहर निकल आये।
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